Carwarden House Community School


Parent Teacher Association

We are a small group of parents and teachers who facilitate events throughout a school year in order to raise funds, ensuring all students benefit from those important extras which would simply not be possible without PTA and community efforts. We are a registered charity called “Friends of Carwarden”.

The following are events we usually organise:

  • Summer Festival at the end of a summer term
  • Christmas craft fair and shopping event in November
  • Bingo and quiz nights
  • Bags2school (collection of your unwanted clothes, shoes, etc.) twice a year
  • Student discos once a term

We will send out dates to parents/carers in September, followed by more details throughout the year ahead for each event. We communicate these via ParentMail and the Facebook group.

All funds raised go towards projects which make a difference to our students. In the past, we have paid for student lockers, iPads, specialised furniture, the diner in the 6 Form and the school hall floor. We are currently raising funds for a bespoke Sensory Garden for our 6 Form students.

In addition, you can help us raise funds by using the following codes:  CARW1 Friends of Carwarden School Camberley GU151EJ

All parents and school staff are invited to participate in PTA events. It is never too late to join us, and you can do as little or as much as you can. For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential and makes a huge difference. We want everyone to feel that they are a part of the Carwarden House school community.

Thank you in advance for your support and if you have any questions, concerns and/or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our email address is

Also, please ‘Like’ the parents Facebook group for more updates, reminders and news.

We hope to see you soon at one of our events,

Lisa Foden
PTA Chair